Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Celebrity Sightings

2006 National Magazine Awards

Michael and I went to see Bright Star a couple months ago and I noticed that Meg Ryan was sitting a few rows behind us. The movie was pretty serious, but there were a couple of parts in the movie that were funny. At those parts we heard Meg Ryan's loud, honest, and recognizable laugh. We thought it was hilarious. I loved that she had this boisterous laugh that she did not stifle or hold back. It made me like Meg Ryan again.

* My sister, Megan, recently sat next to Ashton, Demi, and Demi's daughter in a movie and when I was telling her about Meg Ryan’s theatre demeanor she thought it was strange that Ashton was also a very loud laugher as well. We now think twice when we hear a noisy laugh in the movie theatre . . . it’s either the creepy guy or a celebrity.

1 comment:

jean13i said...

How I love a good celebrity sighting!